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Cuts To Processed Meat Intake Bring A Range Of Health Benefits

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

A study by researchers suggests that reducing processed meat consumption by one-third could prevent over 350,000 diabetes cases in the US over a decade, along with tens of thousands of fewer cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer cases.

Lorlatinib Slows Growth Of ALK-Positive Lung Cancers, May Prevent Brain Metastases

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

The global clinical trial CROWN has shown that lorlatinib (Lorbrena) is significantly more effective than crizotinib (Xalkori) as the initial treatment for advanced ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Cancers Caused By Smoking Reach All Time High

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

New analysis from Cancer Research UK reveals that the number of cancer cases caused by smoking in the UK has reached an all-time high of 160 per day, a 17% increase since 2003, emphasizing the urgent need for governmental action.

Cancer Research Highlights 70 Years Of Progress In Cervical Cancer Research

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Cancer Research UK has led cervical cancer research since the 1950s and highlights milestones in screening, HPV vaccination, and treatment, significantly reducing cases and aiming for near elimination.

New Scan Technique Gives Children The Right Medulloblastoma Diagnosis In Minutes, Not Weeks

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Researchers have developed a technique to rapidly diagnose medulloblastoma, the most common malignant brain tumor in children, using MRI scans to identify tumor types in minutes, allowing for faster and more effective treatment planning, co-led by Professor Andrew Peet at the University of Birmingham.

Artificial Intelligence For Scoring Prostate MRI: Ready For Prospective Evaluation

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

The NHS has launched the Cancer Vaccine Launch Pad to fast-track personalized mRNA-based cancer vaccine trials, and aims to offer innovative treatments to thousands of patients across 30 participating hospitals in England.

Scientists Discover A Cause Of Lupus And A Possible Way To Reverse It

Posted in Medicine, Science on 21st Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Scientists at Northwestern Medicine and Brigham and Women's Hospital have discovered a molecular defect in systemic lupus erythematosus that, when reversed, may potentially cure the disease by correcting an immune system imbalance.

Why A New Method Of Growing Food On Mars Matters More On Earth

Posted in Science on 18th Jun, 2024
by Alex Muller

Solutions like greenhouses developed for colonizing other worlds could be deployed in drought-ravaged areas on Earth.

Can We Prevent The Next Flu Pandemic In Humans?

Posted in Medicine, Science on 18th Jun, 2024
by Alex Muller

Though testing alone doesn't stop viral spread, it provides key information about where and how that spread is happening.

Like Cigarettes And Alcohol, Surgeon General Says Social Media Needs Warning Labels

Posted in Online, Science on 18th Jun, 2024
by Alex Muller

"The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency-and social media has emerged as an important contributor," Murthy argues.

Interstellar Winter: Did Galactic Clouds Cause An Ice Age On Earth?

Posted in Science on 18th Jun, 2024
by Alex Muller

The scientists simulated this scenario, and found the cloud could have blocked the heliosphere for anywhere from a few centuries to a million years, leaving Earth fully exposed to particles in the cloud during that time.

Kidneys In Space: Why A Trip To Mars Could End In Dialysis

Posted in Highlights from UCL, Medicine, Science on 18th Jun, 2024
by Alex Muller

"Our study highlights the fact that if you're planning a space mission, kidneys really matter."