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OpenAI’s Project Strawberry Said To Be Building AI That Reasons And Does ‘Deep Research’

Posted in Software on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

OpenAI's secretive project Strawberry aims to enhance AI chatbots' reasoning abilities by equipping models with skills like planning, autonomous internet navigation, and deep research, to iteratively improve problem-solving capabilities.

Lab-grown Human Brain Tissue Used To Control Robot

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Advancements in organoid intelligence have led to the development of a system which integrates brain-like tissue organoids with an electrode chip to control robotic systems, potentially aiding in neurological repair.

AI Is Cracking A Hard Problem–giving Computers A Sense Of Smell

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

The launch of the DREAM Olfaction Prediction Challenge in has lead to significant advancements in machine olfaction, which could revolutionize fields like personalized fragrances, disease detection, and augmented reality.

Bug Brains Could Help Drone Swarms Find Their Way Home

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Researchers at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) have developed a 56-gram drone that uses visual snapshots for autonomous navigation, demonstrating a practical approach for tiny drones to operate in GPS-denied environments.

How Cleaning Up Shipping Cut Pollution—and Warmed The Planet

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

IMO 2020 aimed to reduce sulfur in shipping fuels from 3.5% to 0.5% to improve air quality and public health. The regulation has indeed lowered sulfur dioxide and ammonia levels near ports, but it has also led to increased warming.

How Teams Of AI Agents Working Together Could Unlock The Tech’s True Power

Posted in Online, Science, Software on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

AI research is leading to the development of multi-agent systems that enable collaborating AI agents to tackle complex tasks more effectively than individual AIs.

AI Plus Gene Editing Promises To Shift Biotech Into High Gear

Posted in Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and gene editing technologies are revolutionizing the ability to compose DNA and create bespoke proteins.

Muscular Dystrophy-reversing Gene Therapy: Human Trials In 2 Years

Posted in Medicine, Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

A new gene therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy shows promise in halting and potentially reversing muscle damage.

Anti-aging Drug Extends Life Up To 25%, Staves Off Frailty And Disease

Posted in Medicine, Science on 23rd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Research from Duke-NUS Medical School shows blocking the protein interleukin-11 (IL-11), can potentially extend lifespan, improve health, and reduce age-related decline.

Nanorobot With Hidden Weapon Kills Cancer Cells

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have developed nanorobots that target and kill cancer cells in mice by activating a hidden peptide weapon in the acidic environment of tumors, significantly reducing tumor growth without harming healthy cells, as published in Nature Nanotechnology.

Already 30 Minutes Of Exercise Increases The Proportion Of Tumor-killing White Blood Cells In Blood

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

A study from the University of Turku shows that a 30-minute exercise session increases the proportion of tumor-killing white blood cells in the bloodstream of newly diagnosed breast cancer patients, potentially enhancing the body's ability to fight cancer.

AI Model Finds The Cancer Clues At Lightning Speed

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have developed an AI model that rapidly and accurately detects cancer by analyzing glycans, significantly accelerating the glycan analysis process and potentially discovering new biomarkers, as detailed in Nature Methods.