
Google And Harvard Map A Tiny Piece Of The Human Brain With Extreme Precision

Posted in Medicine, Science on 27th May, 2024
by Alex Muller

In the new study, scientists mapped a cubic millimetre of human brain tissue from the temporal cortex-a nexus that's important for memory, emotions, and sensations.

Your Brain Breaks Its Own DNA To Form Memories That Can Last A Lifetime

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Apr, 2024
by Alex Muller

"Our findings suggest that inflammation in certain neurons in the brain's hippocampal region is essential for making long-lasting memories."

Mindfulness program proves a secret weapon against post-traumatic stress

Posted in Medicine, Science on 29th Dec, 2023
by Alex Muller

The study's findings demonstrate that the CoMET program has potential as an intervention to alleviate PTSS by enhancing emotion regulation.

Light therapy helps the brain clear out toxic Alzheimer’s proteins

Posted in Medicine on 27th Sep, 2023
by Alex Muller

A new study has found that light therapy applied to mice during deep sleep increased the brain's ability to clear away beta-amyloid, a toxic protein linked to the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Substance use disorder may be connected to a specific brain circuit

Posted in Medicine, Science on 27th Sep, 2023
by Alex Muller

Brain scans or neuroimaging can help inform treatment options, since abnormalities in brain scans are associated with substance use disorders.