
First-Of-A-Kind Blood Test Paves Way For Early Parkinson's Diagnosis
Posted in Medicine on 31st May, 2022
by Alex Muller
The hope is that it can lead to a cheap and easy way to screen for the disease in its early stages, but also that it can further our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind it and perhaps lead to new treatments.

Scientists Use AI to Trace the Origins of Psychedelic Experiences in the Brain
Posted in Medicine, Science on 31st Mar, 2022
by Alex Muller
For the past several decades, psychedelics have been widely stigmatized as dangerous illegal drugs. But a recent surge of academic research into their use to treat psychiatric conditions is spurring a shift in public opinion.

Paving the way: How biopsies are offering hope to children with aggressive brain tumours
Posted in Medicine on 26th Mar, 2022
by Alex Muller
"It wasn’t until about 10 years ago that we started collecting biopsies in the clinic” explains Jones. And it’s this change in practice that’s led us to where we are today."

Braingate Translates In Realtime Thoughts To Text With 94% Accuracy
Posted in Medicine, Science on 15th Nov, 2021
by Alex Muller
Previous wireless BCIs have not been able to match the fidelity of their wired counterparts, a limitation that is overcome by BrainGate's high-bandwidth transmission protocol.

New Study Finds A Single Neuron Is A Surprisingly Complex Little Computer
Posted in Science, Software on 13th Oct, 2021
by Alex Muller
Engineers should try replacing the simple artificial neurons in today's algorithms with a mini five-layer network simulating a biological neuron.