
How Planet Hunters are Going to Find the Next Earth With Space Telescopes

Posted in Science on 18th May, 2015
by Alex Muller

Twenty years ago, discovering another Earth sounded like a science fictional dream. But astronomers now believe we might do just that.

The search for more Earth-like planets ramps up

Posted in Science on 27th Apr, 2015
by Alex Muller

A new collaboration aims to bring separate telescopes together into a family, united by the single goal of seeking habitable worlds.

It is probable that exoplanets are in the habitable zone around most stars

Posted in Science on 22nd Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

Billions of the stars in the Milky Way will have one to three planets in the habitable zone, where life could exist.

Data can be analysed to determine the composition of clouds on exoplanets

Posted in Science on 4th Mar, 2015
by Alex Muller

Data from Kepler space observatory can be used to determine the types of clouds on planets that orbit other stars, known as exoplanets.

Twinkle mission to take a closer look at exoplanet atmospheres

Posted in Science on 13th Feb, 2015
by Alex Muller

The Twinkle satellite will look at the atmospheres of exoplanets to seek more definite signs of life.