
Project Wing: Google's Secret Program for Delivery Drones
Posted in Business on 29th Aug, 2014
by Alex Muller
Google appears to be serious about delivery in the air: getting products from the warehouse to their destination in about two minutes.

Drones Could Help Reduce Poaching in Kenya by 96 Per Cent
Posted in Science on 26th Apr, 2014
by Alex Muller
Drones will soon fill the skies above Kenya's 52 national parks and reserves, after a successful pilot program showed that they're very effective at stopping poachers.

Google buys Titan Aerospace to make more drones for Project Loon
Posted in Business on 16th Apr, 2014
by Alex Muller
Its a drone-buying spree, and Google is the latest to make a purchase.

First balloons and drones, now dirigibles:
Posted in Hardware on 10th Apr, 2014
by Alex Muller
The race for a truly world wide web:

Facebook drones to offer low-cost net access
Posted in Business on 29th Mar, 2014
by Alex Muller
Facebook has ambitious plans to connect the two-thirds of the world that has no net access, using drones, satellites and lasers.