
The Day Youll Prefer Robots to Humans

Posted in Software on 2nd Dec, 2014
by Alex Muller

Theres a Cambrian explosion in robotics, with species of all sizes, shapes and modes of mobility crawling out of the muck of the lab and onto the terra firma of the marketplace.

Facebook pushing ahead towards thousands of internet delivering drones

Posted in Hardware on 27th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

Facebook solar powered internet delivering drones will have the wingspan of a jumbo jet and fly at 17 miles high.

Google is Testing Drones That Could Bring Internet Connectivity to Remote Lands

Posted in Business on 16th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

Google really is all-in on drones.

AREND Project aims to ward off poachers with unmanned aerial vehicles

Posted in Hardware on 3rd Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

One emerging area with huge potential is wildlife conservation, with drones delivering the ability to patrol and detect illegal poachers from the air.

Google Already Testing Delivery Robots In Australia

Posted in Business on 1st Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

In rural Australia, a drone delivers dog treats to a farmer. The robot is a proof of concept, part of Project Wing by Google X.