
Low-carbohydrate diet improved quality of life in diabetes patients

Posted in Science on 20th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Low-carb diet has a good effect on blood glucose, as well as on physical functions, bodily pain and general health, according to a study including patients with type 2 diabetes.

Cure for Type 1 diabetes imminent after Harvard stem-cell breakthrough

Posted in Medicine on 11th Oct, 2014
by Alex Muller

Harvard University has produced the vast quantities of insulin-producing cells needed for transplants.

Obesity is the new smoking, says NHS boss in England

Posted in Medicine on 18th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

A quarter of adults, up from 15% 20 years ago, and one in five schoolchildren are obese, figures show.

Artificial sweeteners may lead to potential increased caloric consumption later

Posted in Medicine on 6th Sep, 2014
by Alex Muller

New psychological research provides clues as to why consuming such drinks can actually lead to weight gain.

Junk Food Diet Keeps Rats from Seeking Out New Foods

Posted in Science on 30th Aug, 2014
by Alex Muller

Junk food may trap people in a cycle of unhealthy eating by making them less likely to try new foods and more likely to respond to cues for junk food in the future.