
New research advances understanding of cancer risk in gene therapies

Posted in Medicine on 20th Nov, 2023
by Alex Muller

The gene therapy treatment itself is not the likely cause of new DNA mutations in blood stem cells.

Cancer Research's Latest Breakthrough Is Seriously Good News For Survival Rates

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Nov, 2023
by Alex Muller

Thanks to research funded by Cancer Research, there has been a cervical cancer treatment breakthrough that means deaths could be cut by 35%.

Hundreds of children could benefit from new approach to brain cancer treatment

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Nov, 2023
by Alex Muller

As well as an improved side-effect profile to chemotherapy, the new treatment also improved overall response rate by more than 400% and increased median progression-free survival from 7.4 months with chemotherapy to 20.1 months with the new treatment.

Cancer-Killing Duo Hunts Down and Destroys Tumors

Posted in Medicine, Science on 25th Oct, 2023
by Alex Muller

"Combining the advantages of tumor-homing bacteria and CAR-T cells provides a new strategy for tumor recognition, and this builds the foundation for engineered communities of living therapies"

New research can help policymakers prioritise funding needs and allocate resource for cancer

Posted in Medicine, Science on 20th Oct, 2023
by Alex Muller

Results from the largest ever review of clinical trials in cancer screening, prevention, and early detection (SPED) have been published.