neural networks

The placebo effect unlocked: How the brain tricks itself into pain relief
Posted in Science on 27th Aug, 2024
by Alex Muller
Scientists have discovered a neural pathway from the cortex to the cerebellum that explains how the brain can create pain relief through the placebo effect.

Facebook to share AI advances in image understanding
Posted in Featured, Online on 4th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
Facebook hopes artificial intelligence will be able to help blind people 'see' images by enabling our computers to distinguish what is in a picture.

Google's Voice Search is Getting Far Better
Posted in Software on 25th Sep, 2015
by Alex Muller
The addition of recurrent neural networks will make the tech much faster, and much more accurate.

Deep learning neural networks are looking to take over art and design jobs
Posted in Software on 29th Aug, 2015
by Alex Muller
A deep neural network system can create artistic images that look like they could have been created by famous artists.

Singularity University students use AI so the blind may see the world
Posted in Software on 21st Aug, 2015
by Alex Muller
Aipoly is an intelligent assistant for the visually impaired that empowers them to explore and understand their surroundings through computer vision and audio feedback.