Google Glass

Why GE's use of Google Glass marks a turning point for AR
Posted in Business on 15th Aug, 2017
by Alex Muller
By exploiting the new enterprise edition of Google Glass and AR software from Upskill, GE Aviation shows how AR is changing the factory floor.

Alphabets X announces Glass Enterprise Edition, a hands-free device for hands-on workers
Posted in Business on 19th Jul, 2017
by Alex Muller
The new 'Glass 2.0' design makes significant improvements over the original Glass.

Google Glass helps cardiologists complete difficult coronary artery blockage surgery
Posted in Hardware on 22nd Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
Cardiologists have used Google Glass in a challenging surgical procedure, successfully clearing a blockage in the coronary artery.

Lightguide optics could soon make smartglasses less socially awkward
Posted in Hardware on 12th Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller
A new display technology can embed smartglass displays directly inside the lenses, resulting in much more streamlined look.

Will Google Glass feature holographic displays?
Posted in Hardware on 4th Oct, 2015
by Alex Muller
Google filed for a patent of what seems to be a wearable device that would show holograms. A version of Google Glass that instead of a flat picture, it would show holographic images.