fossil fuel

86% of New Renewable Electricity Was Cheaper Than Fossil Fuels Last Year
Posted in Business, Science on 25th Sep, 2023
by Alex Muller
The authors suggest the rapid build-out of green energy in recent years probably prevented the spike in fossil fuel prices from developing into an all-out energy crisis last year, highlighting the energy security benefits of renewables.

Exxon shareholders take 'small step forward' on climate
Posted in Featured, Science on 26th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
Exxon Mobil continues to face legal investigations over the extent of its knowledge on climate science and whether it played down global warming for financial benefit.

There will be more new jobs in solar than oil by the end of 2016
Posted in Business on 4th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
The decline in oil prices has not just rocked that industry, but jobs linked to both fossil fuels and renewable energy.

Why renewable energy keeps growing despite low fossil fuel prices
Posted in Business on 16th Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller
Growth in renewable energy shows no signs of slowing, even though fossil fuel prices have plummeted. Heres why:

Clean power soaring even in spite of bargain prices for fossil fuels
Posted in Business on 3rd Jan, 2016
by Alex Muller
In 2015 utility companies went on a worldwide building binge, taking advantage of falling prices for clean technology as well as an improving regulatory and investment climate.