
Cancer experts call on philanthropists to help fund ‘golden age’ of research

Posted in Business, Medicine, Science on 24th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

More than 50 top researchers sign letter asking for philanthropic support to transform cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment

Drug offers ‘wonderful’ breakthrough in treatment of asbestos-linked cancer

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

Medicine used alongside chemotherapy in trials quadrupled three-year survival rates for mesothelioma.

Early blood test to predict dementia is step closer as biological markers identified

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

Scientists have found patterns of four proteins that predict onset of dementia more than a decade before formal diagnosis.

Big strides in cancer treatment bring us closer to breakthroughs

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

The landscape for cancer treatment has seen several ground-breaking advancements in recent times. From innovative therapies to diagnostic technologies, progress is reshaping our approach to cancer care.

Breakthrough on cervical cancer treatment could cut deaths by 35%

Posted in Medicine, Science on 19th Feb, 2024
by Alex Muller

Researchers funded by Cancer Research UK have made the biggest improvement in cervical cancer treatment in more than 20 years by changing how we use existing drugs.