Misplaced your phone? Dropped your keys? Lost your dog? This crowdfunded project would let you locate basically anything with tiny GPS trackers that are accurate to within 5 feet.
Retrievor is GPS disk that’s barely more than an inch in diameter and less than a half-inch thick. Retrievor trackers are powered by tiny solar panels and can be set to very low power usage; so, in theory, they can operate indefinitely. There’s also a micro USB port for charging the batteries conventionally. Trackers can be viewed and controlled by web, Android, or iPhone apps. Owning a Retrievor will cost $1.79 per month for each tracking device, presumably to offset operating costs.
For extra fun with tracking, the Retrievor can be given parameters for alerts—a sort of virtual fence to work in. If the tracker (and, presumably, the person or thing it’s attached to) leaves the virtual fence, Retrievor will send text messages alerts. Presumably these read "the prisoner is trying to escape" or "the teenager is skipping school."