Alex Muller

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  • Alex Muller


Rise of the walking robots…

Science fact often follows science fiction. Hence, the U.S. Army is funding development of a Terminator-style robot soldier.   Boston Dynamics has released new video...

Japan Unveils Worlds Largest 3D Display

You know how you just can’t go back to watching normal resolution television now that you’ve gotten used to HD? Well the next era in...

Tiny twisting muscles developed for propelling nanobots

We’ve been hearing a lot lately about the possibility of treating medical conditions using nanobots – tiny robots that would be injected into a patient’s...

Watch Me Talk To My iPhone 4S (Siri Demo)

If the iPhone 4S has one standout feature, it is the Siri personal assistant. You ask Siri to do things by speaking to it, and...

Seven Major Automakers Agree to a Universal Charging System For Electric Cars

A pretty basic fear of the oncoming electric car boom is a concern that charging will be similar to the old cellphone-charger fiasco. Will the...

neutrino puzzle claimed solved by special relativity

The relativistic motion of clocks on board GPS satellites exactly accounts for the superluminal effect in the OPERA experiment, says  physicist Ronald van Elburg at...

Dolphins decompress like humans

Scientists have found tiny bubbles beneath the blubber of dolphins that have beached themselves.   The bubbles were discovered by taking ultrasound scans of the...

Apples market value remains unaffected by Jobs death

Trigger-happy investors have historically been prone to trading on Apple whenever news about its head honcho, Steve Jobs, arose. But in the wake of his...

Fossil beetles show true colours

But when these beetles die and become fossilised, how much of that iridescent beauty is preserved?   It is a question that has been puzzling...

Ten Games That Have Mind Boggling AI

Most of the popular games today focus on multiplayer, with online FPS and party games soaring to the top of the charts time and time...