Lung cancer: How juice from sarunashi fruit may inhibit tumor growth

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the world. About 2 million people are diagnosed and 1.8 million die from lung cancer yearly. Prevention measures for lung cancer include quitting smoking, avoiding secondhand smoke, and eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Previous research has indicated that fruits and vegetables containing certain antioxidants may help lower a person’s lung cancer risk.

Now, researchers from Okayama University in Japan say they have found evidence that ingesting juice from the sarunashi fruit grown in Japan can help prevent and reduce lung cancer via a mouse model.

The study was recently published in the journal Genes and Environment.

Sarunashi (Actinidia arguta) is an edible fruit grown in certain parts of Japan, Northern China, the Korean peninsula, and the Russian Far East.

Outside of Japan, sarunashi is also known as the hardy kiwi, kiwi berry, and Siberian gooseberry.

The fruit has a sweet taste similar to that of a standard kiwifruit. It is normally green in color and unlike kiwifruit does not have to be peeled to be eaten.

Previous research classifies sarunashi as a superfood as it contains more than 20 essential nutrients and numerous vitamins, including high contents of vitamin C and lutein.