Every new car connected to web by 2014

Five years ago mobile phones were at the forefront of technology, by 2010 the focus was on tablet computers and now billions of yen, dollars and pounds are being invested in what is seen as the next digital playground – the car. Using a hand-held mobile phone while driving a car has been illegal in the UK since 2003.
But 10 years later, car manufacturers are hoping that the technology regularly found on smartphones could change the way we use our cars. What this means is app-culture infiltrating the dashboard – from a parking space finder to a way to get coupons for local restaurants, or directions that can pop up on the windscreen.
It all relies on the car being connected to the internet, allowing all this information to arrive without too much searching or button pushing and a lot more focus on voice commands.
The connected car is already the third fastest growing technological device after phones and tablets, Intel believes.
"Ford has categorically stated that this is selling more cars for them," says Jack Bergquist of information company IHS.
"Over 50% of consumers would be swayed by the presence of an internet-capable device."
The phrase currently being used to describe all this connected material is "infotainment".