80 year old billionaires are injecting Placental stem cells to boost lifespan and health

Injecting Placental stem cells into old mice can boost longevity by 50%. It extends the life of 2-year-old mice to three years. Peter Diamandis states that he personally knows billionaires who are over the age of eighty who go to foreign stem cell treatment clinics injections Placental stem cells.
Stem cells from Placentas and the newborn blood. Peter Diamandis co-founded that startup Celuarity to created placental stem cell antiaging treatments.
In February, 2018, Celularity raised $250 million in funding to deliver treatments for cancer, inflammatory and degenerative diseases, and functional regeneration.
Celularity sources, develops, and deploys transformative therapies derived from the placenta for treatment of complex medical conditions including hematological and solid tumors, autoimmune disease, diabetes, as well as degenerative effects of aging.
By combining synergistic assets from Celgene, United Therapeutics, Sorrento Therapeutics, and Human Longevity Inc., Celularity is accelerating the development of cell and tissue regenerative products to address unmet medical needs. These treatments have the potential to reverse life-threatening diseases and extend the healthy human lifespan.