virtual reality

VR and electric brain stimulation show promise for treating PTSD
Posted in Science on 27th Aug, 2024
by Alex Muller
In only two weeks, tDCS/VR approach produced results normally only seen after about 12 weeks of exposure therapy alone.

The virtual reality technology that could revolutionise cancer treatment
Posted in Games, Medicine, Software on 12th Jan, 2023
by Alex Muller
Virtual reality might soon help scientists and doctors better understand how to treat patients' cancerous tumours.

The Tech That Will Push VR To The Limits Of The Human Eye
Posted in Hardware, Science, Software on 30th Sep, 2022
by Alex Muller
It's important to remember that there are a host of issues other than just better displays that will need to be solved if VR is to become widely commercialized.

Virtual Reality Trends and Developments: Overview for 2020 and 2021
Posted in Business, Hardware, Online, Reviews, Software on 15th Dec, 2021
by Alex Muller
This year saw an overall sense of optimism and growing momentum for immersive technologies and entertainment appearing in the mainstream. There is ongoing growth of consumer demand for VR products, and businesses are showing greater interest in adoption. Here is an overview:

Prominent People in the History of Virtual Reality
Posted in Hardware, Reviews, Software on 16th Nov, 2021
by Alex Muller
Here is an overview of some of the people who made it happen and will continue to do important innovative work, as VR reaches an ever more global audience: