
Evidence Suggests Giant Asteroid Impacts Created Earth's Continents
Posted in Science on 26th Aug, 2022
by Alex Muller
Researchers looked at zircon grains from one of the oldest surviving pieces of continental crust in the world, the Pilbara Craton in Western Australia, which started forming more than three billion years ago.

Asteroid strike made 'instant Himalayas'
Posted in Science on 19th Nov, 2016
by Alex Muller
At one stage, a mountain higher than Everest was thrown up before collapsing back into a smaller range of peaks.

Ocean sediment sample holds iron believed to be from a supernova
Posted in Science on 10th Aug, 2016
by Alex Muller
Sediment layers may contain a type of iron that came from space millions of years ago, iron-60, which prior research has shown is spewed into space when supergiant stars explode.

What did Earths ancient magnetic field look like?
Posted in Science on 25th Jun, 2016
by Alex Muller
New work suggests Earths ancient magnetic field was significantly different than the present day field, originating from several poles rather than the familiar two.

Shooting stars show Earth had oxygen eons before we thought
Posted in Science on 13th May, 2016
by Alex Muller
The scorched remains of 60 micrometeorites have survived 2.7 billion years in Western Australia. They are the oldest space rocks ever discovered on Earth.