cardiovascular health

Cuts to processed meat intake bring a range of health benefits

Posted in Medicine, Science on 22nd Jul, 2024
by Alex Muller

A study by researchers suggests that reducing processed meat consumption by one-third could prevent over 350,000 diabetes cases in the US over a decade, along with tens of thousands of fewer cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer cases.

Next-Generation Total Artificial Heart Successfully Transplanted into First US Patient

Posted in Hardware, Medicine on 4th Aug, 2021
by Alex Muller

Embedded sensors automatically adapt blood flow to a person’s needs in any given moment; if, for example, they’re exercising, blood flow will increase. It's this aspect that has earned the Carmat heart the designation of 'next-generation'

Gardening 'linked to longer lives'

Posted in Medicine on 30th Oct, 2013
by Alex Muller

Pottering around the garden or fixing up the house has been linked to a longer life in a study of people over the age of 60.