carbon dioxide

Global Carbon Capture Capacity Quadruples as the Biggest Plant Yet Revs Up in Iceland

Posted in Featured, Hardware, Science on 27th May, 2024
by Alex Muller

The project is aiming to reach megaton scale, removing one million tons a year, by 2030 and gigaton-scale, a billion tons a year by 2050.

Antarctic Ice Can Melt 20 Times Faster Than We Thought

Posted in Science on 11th Apr, 2023
by Alex Muller

A study published April 5 in the journal Nature found that at the end of the last Ice Age, parts of the Eurasian Ice Sheet retreated up to 2,000 feet per day.

Our Future on a Reforested Planet: How the World Will Look if We Plant a Trillion Trees

Posted in Science on 19th Mar, 2023
by Alex Muller

By using automation, the reforesting effort can be scaled up to levels that have never been seen before in history.

AI Can Be Used to Find Good CO2 Absorbing Micro Capsules

Posted in Featured on 25th Apr, 2019
by Alex Muller

Micro-Encapsulated CO2 Sorbents (MECS) are a possible technology to capture carbon from the atmosphere.

Window Is Closing to Avoid Dangerous Global Warming

Posted in Featured, Science on 16th Sep, 2017
by Alex Muller

There's a 50 percent chance that temperatures will rise 4 degrees Celsius under a business-as-usual scenario.