Alex Muller

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  • Alex Muller


Beyond Plaques: New Alzheimer’s Treatment Pathway Discovered

Researchers have discovered that limiting a certain enzyme can have a dramatic impact in protecting against the effects of Alzheimer’s disease. Much of the historical...

NASA is designing a time zone just for the moon

On Tuesday, the White House issued a memo directing the agency to establish a Coordinated Lunar Time, which will help guide humanity’s potentially permanent presence...

Melting ice makes Arctic a target for a new deep sea internet cable

Each day an estimated 95 percent of the world’s data travels across the roughly 900,000 miles of submarine fiber optic cables criss-crossing the ocean floor....

This Gene Increases the Risk of Alzheimer’s. Scientists Finally Know Why

At the turn of the 20th century, Dr. Alois Alzheimer noticed peculiar changes in a freshly removed brain. Curiously, shiny bubbles of fat had also...

Russia and China Want to Build a Nuclear Power Plant on the Moon

Lunar exploration is back in fashion these days, with a host of national space agencies as well as private companies launching missions to our nearest...

Cell Therapy Takes Aim At Deadly Brain Tumors In Two Clinical Trials

This month, two studies genetically engineered the body’s own immune cells to hunt down and wipe out glioblastoma brain tumors. Therapies using these CAR T...

GPT-4 is 82% more persuasive than humans, and AIs can now read emotions

GPT-4 is already better at changing people’s minds than the average human is, according to new research. As Yuval Noah Harari points out in Sapiens,...

Blood test reveals best lung cancer treatment

The test looks for genetic variations to aid treatment decisions. Some tumours can be treated with pills rather than standard chemotherapy, often meaning fewer side...

Preventative cancer therapies can cause the disease to ‘hibernate’ and return later, research suggests

Preventative treatment designed to stop the recurrence of breast cancer can actually cause the cancer cells to mutate and ‘hibernate’, only to grow again years...

AI reveals prostate cancer is not just one disease

A Cancer Research UK-funded study, published in Cell Genomics, has revealed that prostate cancer, which affects one in eight men in their lifetime, includes two different subtypes termed...