Eating pineapple daily can reduce eye floaters, study shows

In a study conducted in Taiwan recently, it was discovered that including 100-300 grams of pineapple in your meal daily can reduce a symptom called ‘eye floaters’.

In laymen terms, it’s the dark shadow-like spots that appear to be moving and floating around when a person is looking at something. This condition is primarily influenced by age-related changes that are triggered when the jelly-like substance (vitreous) inside your eyes becomes more liquid. As the vitreous shrinks with age, microscopic fibers form inside and clump together, casting tiny shadows on the retina.

The study was published in the April edition of The Journal of American Science of which the experiment was conducted by the Ophthalmology Departments of Fooying University Hospital and Tajen University.

According to the researchers, the enzymes in the pineapples have chances to decompose the extracellular substances that cause microscopic fibers to form near the retina.

In addition, they could detect and destroy free radicals in the eyes, which if not removed, would cause hyaluronic acid degradation and vitreous floater formation.

In a total of 338 participants who were involved in the study, more than half of them have reported significantly reduced effects of eye floaters over the course of three months.