
Orangutan 'copies human speech'

Posted in Featured, Science on 28th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller

That "other orangutans seem to be exhibiting equivalent vocal skills shows that Rocky is not a bizarre or abnormal individual"

Evolution may have moved at a furious pace on a warmer Earth

Posted in Featured, Science on 7th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller

Early life forms on Earth are likely to have mutated and evolved at much higher rates than they do today.

Grey Matters: Scientists Link Brain Size and Smarts

Posted in Science on 1st Feb, 2016
by Alex Muller

Having a big head might not be such a bad thing, if it means you have a gigantic brain. Animals with bigger brains may be better problem-solvers.

A mathematical model to explain animal stripes

Posted in Featured, Science on 30th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

Researchers have assembled a range of models into a single equation to identify what variables control stripe formation in living things.

Compared with other primates, human sleep is short and deep

Posted in Featured, Science on 19th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

This unusual sleep pattern may have helped give rise to our powerful minds.