video game

Gamers Are YouTube Heroes and Entertainments New Rock Stars

Posted in Online on 2nd Nov, 2015
by Alex Muller

Gamers can make pro-athlete money. Some tournaments pay out over $10 million to the winning team. Sponsorship dollars have created teenage millionaire-gamers.

CEO Gabe Newell explains why Valve created Steam Machines

Posted in Hardware on 10th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

The Valve CEO is the face of one of the greatest threats Microsoft is facing to its Windows PC business.

A Billion Dollar Company With No Bosses? Yes, It Exists

Posted in Business on 6th Jan, 2014
by Alex Muller

The Valve Corporation's former economist-in-residence explained how a trendsetter in the video game industry can function without management.

Trip Hawkins: Women have taken over tech purchasing, and video games are next

Posted in Games on 30th Oct, 2013
by Alex Muller

For the first time in history, women have taken over technology buying for their families,