
Desalination tech turns the oceans into unlimited lithium mine

Posted in Science on 19th Feb, 2018
by Alex Muller

The earths ocean water is full of lithium salts and getting at it will simply be a byproduct of desalinating drinking water from seawater.

Battery technology could charge up water desalination

Posted in Science on 6th Feb, 2016
by Alex Muller

The technology that charges batteries for electronic devices could provide fresh water from salty seas.

Salt-Infused Tarmac Could Keep Roads Ice-Free

Posted in Science on 20th Dec, 2015
by Alex Muller

What if roads already had salt built right into them? Theyd be able to prevent slick conditions from occurring, well before the risk of an accident.

Sugar worse than salt row erupts

Posted in Featured, Medicine on 13th Dec, 2014
by Alex Muller

Scientists have clashed over claims that sugar may be worse for blood pressure and heart health than salt.

Are Salt-Loving Super Plants the Saviors of the Planet?

Posted in Science on 1st Nov, 2014
by Alex Muller

The world's demand for food is set to increase by two-thirds by mid-century. That's where salt-loving plants, called halophytes, can make a difference.