
Ultra-processed foods linked to increased death risk from breast and ovarian cancer

Posted in Medicine, Science on 14th Feb, 2023
by Alex Muller

UPFs have poor nutritional quality, are often high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats and low in fiber, and promote obesity, which is in itself a risk factor for many types of cancers.

Lung cancer: How juice from sarunashi fruit may inhibit tumor growth

Posted in Medicine on 14th Jan, 2023
by Alex Muller

Researchers from Okayama University in Japan say they have found evidence that ingesting juice from the sarunashi fruit grown in Japan can help prevent and reduce lung cancer

This Startup "PairWise" Is Using CRISPR To Make Better Produce

Posted in Science on 27th Oct, 2022
by Alex Muller

"The changes PairWise has made in our greens are no different than what can be achieved through conventional breeding, contain no foreign DNA, and therefore are not considered GMOs,"

After Millennia Of Agricultural Expansion, The World May Have Passed 'Peak Agricultural Land'

Posted in Science on 26th Aug, 2022
by Alex Muller

Several sources suggest that global agricultural land use has fallen in recent decades.

Excessive sugar intake and cancer: Experts explain the connection

Posted in Medicine on 25th Feb, 2022
by Alex Muller

Excess consumption of sugar and lesser physical activity can lead to obesity. And obesity is linked to various sorts of cancers, warns a doctor.