
Orangutan 'copies human speech'

Posted in Featured, Science on 28th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller

That "other orangutans seem to be exhibiting equivalent vocal skills shows that Rocky is not a bizarre or abnormal individual"

Biologists will be able to track animals in real time using the ISS

Posted in Science on 8th Jul, 2016
by Alex Muller

Satellite imagery has gotten to the point where saying that something is "big enough to see from space" doesn't really mean much anymore.

Humans have faster metabolism than related primates, enabling larger brain

Posted in Science on 5th May, 2016
by Alex Muller

Humans have a higher metabolism rate than related primates. This may guide strategies for combating obesity.

How did sea creatures survive the dinosaurs' extinction?

Posted in Featured, Science on 14th Apr, 2016
by Alex Muller

Algae and microorganisms would have survived a massive asteroid and acted as a food source for other creatures.

Banned EU pesticide affects learning of honeybees but not bumblebees

Posted in Science on 11th Apr, 2016
by Alex Muller

Research into how both species respond to field-realistic-levels of the insecticide 'clothianidin' which was banned for use on flowering crops.