Flurry last year noted that China became the world’s fastest growing market for iOS and Android devices and today there is no sign of that slowing down. China now accounts for 24% of all of the connected devices in use worldwide, with 261,333,271 smartphones and tablets among them. Flurry released the data as part of a new report on smartphone usage in China, released today to coincide with a new deal with Renren Games, the online gaming distribution platform of the Chinese social network of the same name.
While Flurry has made a name for itself in charting worldwide and U.S. trends in app store usage, this is the first time that the company has drilled down into what is getting used in China. That is a service that Flurry may be providing more regularly now that it is working with Renren, where it will be providing developers on Renren’s platform more information about games usage following a lot of the metrics hat Flurry provides to other app developers, including active user numbers, player retention stats and other information about in-app events. It will also offer its AppSpot monetizing platform alongside Renren’s own Ader ad network.
Concentrating more on China, however, should come as no surprise. Given how much the market there is growing, developers offering apps there will be looking to get more sophisticated data on how the market is performing overall.
Here are some of the key takeaways from Flurry’s report, which is based on a random sampling of over 18,000 iOS and Android smartphones in the market.