New Paper-Based Urine Tests Could Detect Cancer and Heart Disease

Diagnosing cancer and heart disease generally requires extensively trained personnel and expensive instruments. But one MIT research group that wants to solve that problem has designed a single injection and paper-based detection system they’re hoping to ship them everywhere a letter can travel.
Sangee Bhatia’s team developed a molecular detection system that brings a bunch of existing technologies together in a new way to perform this test. Once approved for use in humans, it’ll work like this: First you’ll get an injection of a nanoparticle solution that can bond to the antibodies generated by cancer or heart disease.
Next, you’ll pee onto the test paper, and if a nanoparticle that’s bonded with some antibodies comes comes out, it’ll hit the paper and change colors. So far, in Bhatia’s animal studies,this paper-based detection system successfully detected colon tumours and blood clotting, and the hope is that it can be expanded to detect even more things.